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Taktical tricks and tips

Growth Hack #1 – The 3 Magic Words of Mobile Advertising: 

As an organization devoted to optimization and digital testing, AdBasis created a LOT of ad tests. We’re talking over 3,000 ad tests in 2015.

This is what they found after all that testing: No matter what industry, vertical, or audience, there are three magic words that can drastically improve your mobile ad conversion rate when strung together in your description line. It doesn’t matter if you’re B2B or B2C, you need mobile-specific content and these three words will help.

What are these 3 magic words?

1. From

2. Your

3. Phone

The average increase in ad conversion rate based on the 42 positive examples is +36.6%.

And, 12 times out of 48 this test more than doubled conversion rate (100%+ lifts).



Growth Hack # 2: Increase Sales 55% by Simplifying Checkout:

A case study of an online shopping cart by Lemonstand took a look at the options available at checkout.

Usually, in addition to the “Proceed to Checkout” button, many stores also have large “Remove” and “Empty Cart”buttons. This seems to be common practice, as if retailers think their customers enjoy filling up their carts and then emptying them in one fell swoop.

By removing the other two buttons besides checkout, the store saw a 55% increase in conversion rates!



Taktical tricks and tips

Growth Hack #3: Ask These 2 Questions for a 16% Lift in Conversions:

Hootsuite asked their landing page visitors two questions.

1. Do you have enough information to make a purchase?

2. (if No) What other information would be more helpful?

Armed with their survey results, Hootsuite had a clear path to take action and revamp their landing page. After making these changes, they enjoyed a 16% lift in conversions. 



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