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Growth Hacks:

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Growth Hack #1 – Boost Readability 20X With Clear Headlines:

An eye tracking study conducted by the University of Trier found the following three things when studying mobile device use:

1. Only 5% of users pay careful attention when reading
2. 58% of the audience skimmed, but bold headings helped orient readers
3. 37% only paid attention to headings

Use BOLD, concise, and direct headings to increase readability.


Growth Hack #2 – Three Ways to Use Popups and Increase Conversions 91%:

1. When testing popups, Robbie Richards found that those displaying upon page load led to over a 91% higher conversion rate than when shown before a customer exited a page.

2. Viewers leave your page every second. Showing a form immediately when a page loads converts 13.11% better than one even 10 seconds later.

3. Many sites offer a free ebook in exchange for an email address. Simply by including an ebook image within the form, you can increase conversion rate by 110.72%.


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Growth Hack #3 – Offer the Right Amount of Sharing Options:

Neil Patel is one of the masters of online marketing. However, when he increased Quick Sprout’s sharing options from 3 to 5, overall share rates DROPPED by 29%.

Overloading people with options will cause them to quit.


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