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Growth Hack #1 – Recommend What to Buy for +25% Customers:

When showing multiple offers, an emphasized product suggestion might be a good idea as some people need a little nudge.

There are some psychology studies out there which suggest that the more choice there is, then the lower the chances of a decision actually being made and acted upon.

In order to combat such analysis paralysis, try emphasizing and highlighting certain options above others.

When businesses tried this, they saw a 25% boost in purchases.



Growth Hack #2 – How Important are H1 Tags?:

Ever since the early days of SEO, H1 tags have been believed to be extremely important for ranking the content in SERPs. But are H1 tags really necessary?

Here’s how Google likes to answer it:

“You can use H1 tags as often as you want on a page. There’s no limit, neither upper nor lower bound.

H1 elements are a great way to give more structure to a page. But, your site can do perfectly fine with no H1 tags or with five H1 tags.”

But you don’t always have to take Google at face value.

So, Moz decided to test it out. They used H2s and H3s for headlines instead of H1s and monitored the results.

They devised a 50/50 split test of their titles using SearchPilot.

Results 8 weeks later?

Changing the H2s to H1s made no statistically significant difference.

The results of this test were inconclusive in terms of organic traffic, so they reverted it back.

PS: While this experiment doesn’t definitively prove that H1s aren’t a ranking factor, it does show that they couldn’t find a statistically significant difference between using H1s and H2s.

That being said, there are some reasons you should still use H1:

– H1s help accessibility.

– Google sometimes uses H1s in place of title tags.

– Heading use is often correlated with better rankings.


tips and tricks for businesses - stock photo

Growth Hack #3 – Replace Stock Photos With Real Ones for 45.45% More Conversions:

Stock photos are high-quality, but they look staged. They are irritatingly perfect.

Harrington Movers decided to replace their high-quality stock photo with a real crew image.

The A/B test has been running for three months.

As a result, the version with the crew image showed a conversion increase of 45.45%!



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