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Growth Hack #1
– STUDY: Brand Perception: 

Did you know that 70% of customers` brand perception is determined by experiences with people?

Here are 2 more facts you should know about your customers:

1. 68% of customers leave because of poor employee attitude.
2. 41% of customers are loyal because of good employee attitude.




Growth Hack #2
– One Tiny Change That Helped Upworthy Boost Shares by 395%:

After A/B testing, Upworthy (8.8 million monthly visitors) found:

1. If the buttons have a hover effect when your mouse is over them, they can get 395% more shares.

2. The best time to wait after landing on a page that the “like us” icon appeared was with a 16 second delay.



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Growth Hack #3
– 61% of People Have Made a Purchase Based on This (It’s Not What You Think):

Did you know that:

1. 81% of the people trust the information they read on blogs.

2. 61% of those people have made a purchase based on a blogger’s recommendation.

3. 63% of people are more likely to be influenced by a blog than a magazine to make a purchase.

Looks like there’s a pretty good argument to be made for blogger outreach. . .



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