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Taktical tricks and tips

Growth Hack #1 – Be #1 On Google in 10 Minutes:  

Seem too good to be true? It’s not. Here‘s the hack:

– You need SEMrush for this.

– Go to “Organic Search” – “Positions”.

– Input into the search field.

– Scroll down to “Organic search positions” and add 3 filters:

1) Include + Keyword + Containing + YOUR_KEYWORD

2) Include + Pos. + Less than + 10

3) Include + Volume + Greater than + 1005. Hit “Apply”.

– Scroll down to the keywords.

– There you’ll find a list of keywords where Quora is ranked on page #1 of Google.

– Open each URL and add your awesome, super valuable answer with a link to your website.

Boom! Your answer is instantly on page #1 of Google.



Growth Hack # 2 – 80% Increase in FB Video Engagement With a Surprising Format:

Buffer ran an interesting study and found out what type of video:

1. Resulted in 30-35% higher video views.

2. Resulted in an 80-100% increase in engagement.

3. Costs 7.5% – 33% less.

So, what is it?

It’s a square video (1:1)!

– Square videos resulted in 30-35% higher video views and an 80-100% increase in engagement.

– It costs 7.5% less to get someone to engage with square videos on Facebook.

– It costs 33% less to get someone to engage with square videos on Instagram.



Taktical tricks and tips

Growth Hack #3 – 5X Google CTR Using Customer Reviews:

The average AdWords click-through rate across all industries peaks at 1.91% for search ads, and 0.35% for display ads. But, an AdWords ad that includes a customer review extension sees an increased click-through of up to 10%.

Those ratings show up in Ads automatically when a review threshold is met.

This threshold includes:

– 30 unique reviews over the last 12 months

– Reviews must average at least 3.5 stars or higher



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